Photo Gallery

26 Physicians Attend September Session

Group photo of the physicians who attended the September session.

13 Physicians Attend June Session

Dr. Keri McAdoo, Deputy Registrar of the College of Physicians and Surgeons (seated third from the left, front row) with the physicians who attended the June Welcome Collaborative.

15 Physicians Attend March Session

Dr. Gus Grant, Registrar & CEO of the College of Physicians and Surgeons (seated center front row) with the physicians who attended the March Welcome Collaborative.

16 Physicians Attend November Session

Dr. Gus Grant, Registrar & CEO of the College of Physicians and Surgeons (seated center front row) with the physicians who attended the November Welcome Collaborative.

24 Physicians Attend September Session

Dr. Gus Grant, Registrar & CEO of the College of Physicians and Surgeons (seated center front row) with the physicians who attended the September Welcome Collaborative.

6 Physicians Attend June Session

Dr. Keri McAdoo, Deputy Registrar of the College of Physicians and Surgeons (front row second from right) with physicians attending the June Welcome Collaborative.

20 Physicians Attend April Session

In April, 20 physicians participated in a 3-day welcome orientation at the College along with Dr. Gus Grant the College’s Registrar and CEO (seated centre) and Director, Physician Performance Rhonda Kirkwood (standing far left) and George Chimdi Mbara, Program Manager (standing far right).

8 Physicians Attend October Session

College staff with the physicians who attended the October Welcome Collaborative
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