24 Physicians Attend Orientations
In September, 18 physicians participated in a 3-day welcome orientation at the College along with Dr. Gus Grant the College’s Registrar and CEO (seated centre).
Physicians attending the Welcome Collaborative’s 3-day orientation in June and September are new to practising in Canada. In total, 24 physicians attended, of which 16 were Family Doctors while the remaining 8 were other Specialists. Most have been issued a Defined license and as such are under supervision on a pathway to Full licensure.
The majority are practising in small or rural communities across the province. The sessions aimed to support their successful integration into the healthcare system and provide opportunities for physicians to connect, receive information, training, and resources to address shared challenges.
The orientation included sessions focusing on elements of practice such as prescribing, medical record keeping, MSI Billing, funding models and communications. Among the presenters are the Office of Healthcare Professionals Recruitment, Nova Scotia Health, ISANS, Dalhousie’s Faculty of Medicine, and Doctors Nova Scotia.
The next Welcome Collaborative is November 29 to December 1. For more information contact: welcomecollaborative@cpsns.ns.ca.